Pussy Prayers

I’ve often wondered what it must be like to have a child that is just simply horrible. Mean, spiteful – we’ve all met someone like that. Do you think their mum loves them? I suspect they do, based on my own reactions this week.

I have 2 cats. One is a lovely lively little thing even though he’s very naughty, and in fact was named after a bushranger because he is such a naughtly little character and always was. The other cat is a horrible little bitch. Several times I have had girlfriends go home with blood running down their face from where they got too close to this one. She once crapped on me, in my bed, while I slept. For fun. Then I rolled in it. She can’t help it – the vet told me many years ago she was just not a very nice natured animal, probably didn’t like me, and prescribed kitty-prozac.

A few weeks ago my little special needs kitty was diagnosed with a skin cancer on her nose. Half a nose later, I hoped that would be the end of it. However the past few days it has gotten dramatically worse. And now I am awaiting the phone call that will tell me if there’s anything more that can be done. I actually suspect not – the news has not sounded good to date.

I’d appreciate any good thoughts being aimed towards my little kitty today, horrid though she may be. I wish I didn’t care so much – it’s not cool to bawl at work.

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5 Responses to “Pussy Prayers”

  1. WT Says:

    I had a real bitch of a cat that sounds a lot like yours. But she was my responsibility, so I fed her and gave her affection for 14 long years. Then at the first sign of a chronic condition developing, I put us all out of our misery.

  2. Jennifer Says:

    I’m so sorry! Of course, I’ll pray for you and your cat. Hugs.

  3. EGE Says:

    Oh no. I read a lot about that recently because I thought my boy cat had it. Turns out what he had was a blackhead — yuck. I’m so sorry about your horrid little bitch. We’ll all send good thoughts your way, even if you have to do the hard thing.

  4. 12ontheinside Says:

    Thanks all. She’s having an operation today – we’ll see what happens next!

  5. Frank Says:

    Poor kitteh 😦

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