
They Boyfriend and I spend a fair amount of time with his parents. We have dinner with them several nights a week. (Boyfriend’s mum does all my washing and ironing, bless her cotton socks. How could I not repay that by cooking a few meals here and there!)

This week Boyfriend’s sister has been visiting. I am getting this awkward feeling. Let me try to describe why – here’s a few conversations from the past few days:

Boyfriend’s sister: Mum, do you have a large frypan I can do toasted sandwiches in?

Boyfriend’s Mum: No, but 12 has a really good one, you’ll have to ask her if she can use it.

Hmm. Could be worse. But it keeps going.

Boyfriend’s sister: I need a knife, where are the sharp ones?

Boyfriend’s Mum: Oh, 12 bought me a lovely knife block, you can use those.

OK , I started feeling VERY intrusive by now.

Boyfriend’s sister: Where are the placemats?

Boyfriend’s Mum: Just ask 12, she’ll show you where everything is.


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5 Responses to “Outlaws”

  1. WT Says:

    That’s a little strange.

  2. Jennifer Says:

    She does your laundry? What a woman. It sounds like a fair trade to me. Your culinary skills have always impressed me (through the screen, obviously)

  3. Brett Says:

    I do so love reading your blog.

  4. Frank Says:

    Heh, how old is this sister?

    I realise that sounds bad…I mean it strictly out of curiosity and not in any perverted manner!

  5. 12ontheinside Says:

    WT, isn’t it reassuring when you find other people are just as strange as your own family. Or at least a little strange, nobody could top my family.
    Jenn: Yep, she is a gem even though she has this wierd obsession with oroning things that just don’t need ironing. We have managed to wean her off ironing underpants now though.
    Brett: Thanks. 🙂
    Frank: Sister Out-Law is just a few years (maybe 3?) older than The Boyfriend. Who is 3 years older than me. AND WE ALL KNOW I’M 12! hehe. plus the rest.

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